Ko te U3572 he rama riipene i hangaia e te miihini-whakahoahoa e whakahoae ana i te hononga ngawari me te pumau.
Ka tukuna ano nga taiapa hono ki te kotaha, me whakatika noa e te tangata tetahi nati kia oti te hono mo te hononga roa.
Ko te kaitaraiwa o tenei rama raina ka mau ki roto i te whaarangi, me te arotahi oro ngawari ki te neke, ki te whakatika ranei, ka taea te whakauru me te tiaki.
He aha atu, ka whai waahi ki te hanga i tetahi taiao pai ake.
Hei whakarite i nga ahuatanga rama whatu, ka whakamahi te U3572 i te arotahi PC diffuser. Ko tenei arotahi e whakatairanga ana i te tuku marama pai i te wa e whakahaere ana te kanapa ki te whānuitanga nui.
Mo te maamaa ngawari me te maamaa, ko te arotahi Silicone te whiringa. I tua atu, ka taea te 30M te arotahi ki te raina, he ngawari ki te tuku ma te pukapuka, i tenei wa kia pai ake te rama ki runga i te raina tika, kaore he waahi.
1, Roa Whakaritea:Ko tenei rama raina e whakarato ana i te whānuitanga o nga roa ka taea te whakarite kia rite ki nga momo tono me nga whakaritenga whakaurunga.
2, Awhe Paemahana Tae (2200k~6500k):whakarato i te whānuitanga o nga whiringa pāmahana tae, mai i te rama mahana, awhiawhi i te 2200 Kelvin ki te whakamatao, te rama-rite ki te awatea i te 6500 Kelvin.
Ma tenei ahuatanga ka taea e koe te whakarite i te ahua o to waahi kia rite ki to hiahia, ki nga hiahia motuhake ranei.
3, CRI80, CRI90 ranei:Ko te otinga rama e tuku ana i nga whiringa e rua mo te tohu tohu tae (CRI): CRI80 me CRI90.
Ko te CRI80 te whakarite i te tika o te tae, ko te CRI90 e whakarato ana i te pono o te tae, he pai ake mo nga tono he mea nui te whakaatu tae tika, penei i nga taiwhanga toi, whakaaturanga hokohoko ranei.
4, Te Mana me te Kakama te Huroriroritanga:i hangaia me te ngawari i roto i te hinengaro, e tuku ana i nga mana rereke me nga taumata whai hua hei whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga rereke.
5, Taiapa Hononga ngawari: kua rite ki nga awhi hononga-kaiwhakamahi e ngawari ana te mahi whakauru.
Ko enei taiapa e whakahaere ana i nga hononga tere me te haumaru, me te whakaiti i te hiahia mo te mahi nui me te tohungatanga hangarau i te wa o te tatūnga, kia kore e koha, kia mau tonu te rama rama.
6, Te taraiwa o roto: tiakina te waahi mo te whakaurunga taraiwa, kia pai te taiao.
7,Mokowā nui i te kōtaha:te uhi o muri o te kōtaha he ngāwari ki te whakatuwhera, ngāwari te tukanga tāuta katoa.
8, Tikanga whakaurunga ngawari: He taara, he mea whakairi ki runga.
I hoahoatia tenei otinga rama raina ki te tuku i nga whiringa tae paerewa o te matt ma huatau, te pango kikorangi, me te hiriwa parakore.
I tua atu, mo te hunga e whai ana ki te whakauru i te pa o te whakawhaiaro me te hihiri, ka whakaratohia e matou he momo tino ataahua o nga tae 48 mo te paninga paura.
Ka kitea te nui o te whakamahinga i roto i nga taiao umanga, nga whare matauranga, nga waahi huihuinga, me nga momo waahi mahi ngaio.
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Diffuser | Mana | 15W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1215-1545lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 90-100lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Maamaa: PC Diffuser, He pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, He pai: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1500lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1545lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1545lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1545lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1500lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1500lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Diffuser | Mana | 21W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1701-2163lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 90-100lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Maamaa: PC Diffuser, He pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, He pai: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Diffuser | Mana | 21W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1701-2163lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 90-100lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Maamaa: PC Diffuser, He pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, He pai: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 2163lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 2100lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | PC Diffuser | Mana | 27W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 2187-2781lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 90-100lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Maamaa: PC Diffuser, He pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: PC Diffuser, He pai: 100lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2700lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2781lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2781lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2781lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2700lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2700lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
PC Diffuser | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Arotahi Silicone | Mana | 15W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1080-1391lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 80-90lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: Silicone Lens, He pai: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1200lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1080lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1236lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1236lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1236lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1112lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1112lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1112lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1200lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1200lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1080lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1080lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Arotika: Hikohiko Arotahi, Pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1391lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1251lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1350lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.0W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 15.5W | 1215lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Arotahi Silicone | Mana | 21W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1208 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1512-1947lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 80-90lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: Silicone Lens, He pai: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Arotika: Hikohiko Arotahi, Pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1208mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Arotahi Silicone | Mana | 21W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1512-1947lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 80-90lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: Silicone Lens, He pai: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1730lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1557lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1680lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1512lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Arotika: Hikohiko Arotahi, Pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1947lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1752lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1890lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.0W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 21.6W | 1701lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Tauira | HIKI (3572) | Vol. | 220-240VAC |
Optical | Arotahi Silicone | Mana | 27W |
Koki Kurupae | 105° | LED | 2835 SMD |
Whakaoti | Pango Kakano (RAL9004) | Dim / PF | Ka Ka/Weto >0.9 |
UGR | <24 | SDCM | <3 |
Ahu | L1508 x W35 x H72mm | Lumen | 1944-2503lm/pc |
IP / IK | IP22 / IK06 | Te kaha | 80-90lm/W |
Tāutatanga | Te Taiepa, Te Whakanuia i te tuanui | Te Wa Ora | 50,000 haora |
Taumaha Kupenga | 1.5kg | THD | <20% |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Optical: Silicone Lens, He pai: 80lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2160lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 1944lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2225lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2225lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2225lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2002lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2002lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2002lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2160lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2160lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 1944lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 1944lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Maramarama: SLIM(3572), Arotika: Hikohiko Arotahi, Pai: 90lm/W, LED: Epistar, Atekōkiri: Lifud | ||||||||
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 3000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2503lm | 80+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2253lm | 90+ | 4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2430lm | 80+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.0W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | I-Weto |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | 0-10V |
Arotahi Silicone | 105° | <24 | L1508mm | 27.8W | 2187lm | 90+ | 2700-4000K | DALI |